US researchers grow seaweed that tastes like bacon

By Park Sae-jin Posted : July 27, 2015, 15:18 Updated : July 27, 2015, 15:18
Researchers with Oregon State University (OSU) in the U.S. Pacific Northwest have created and patented a new strain of seaweed that tastes like bacon.

The succulent red marine algae, called “dulse,” grows quickly and is rich in protein. Chris Langdon at OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center said it contains up to 16 percent protein in dry weight.

It is also an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Langdon, a professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, has been growing dulse for the past 15 years, according to a press release from OSU.

"The original goal was to create a super-food for abalone, because high-quality abalone is treasured, especially in Asia," he was quoted as saying. "There always has been an interest in growing dulse for human consumption, but we originally focused on using dulse as a food for abalone."

By Ruchi Singh

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