​Samsung Medical Center develops AI-based bedsore management solution

By Park Sae-jin Posted : May 9, 2022, 17:06 Updated : May 9, 2022, 17:06

[Courtesy of Samsung Medical Center]

SEOUL -- A major general hospital in Seoul has developed an artificial intelligence-based management solution for bedsores. The solution will analyze photographs of a patient's areas of skin where ulcers were created and predict the development of the disease while suggesting doctors with the right dressings.
Bedsores, or pressure sores, are ulcers created on areas of the skin that are constantly under pressure from lying down, sitting in a wheelchair, or wearing a cast for a long time. Bedsores are commonly found among patients who are too weak to frequently change their body posture while lying down on a hospital bed. To prevent ulcers from happening, doctors and nurses lift and change the position of patients regularly.
Samsung Medical Center said that its research team has partnered with Fine Healthcare, a domestic cloud-based remote medical system developer, to develop "Skinex" (Skin Explainable AI), an AI-based bedsore seriousness prediction system. The solution will categorize bedsores into four levels of seriousness and predict the levels of tissue damage in real-time. It is based on some 10,000 images of pressure ulcers.
The medical center said that Skinex will help medical staff prevent or manage bedsores effectively and provide a high-quality medical service by offering the best treatment method. The AI-based solution will be continuously upgraded.
"This solution will provide guidelines for nurses who take care of bedsore patients. It will help nurses provide adequate medical care service while reducing work burdens," Samsung Medical Center researcher Kang Mi-ra said in a statement on May 9. 

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