[영문] Nintendo Picks Korea as One of Piracy-Friendly Countries

By Park Sae-jin Posted : March 3, 2009, 11:22 Updated : March 3, 2009, 11:22

Photo: The world biggest game seller Nintend picked out Korea as one of countries with piracy-friendly environment worldwide.

Nintendo gave a warning sign to South Korea saying that Korea is one of the countries where piracy of its products is rampant.

In its annual comments to the U.S. Trade Representative under the “Special 301” process to review intellectual property protection, Nintendo has called out Korea as one of countries with piracy-friendly environment along with Brazil, China, Mexico, Paraguay and Spain.

The company has asked the United States to take more measures against the illegal phenomenon in the report which includes a list of countries around the globe that remain in denying adequate and effective protection of video game products and the condition of soft ware protection each country.

“It is important for parents to note that if users of circumvention devices are children, they may be exposed to unsuitable content downloaded from the Internet and played on their Nintendo systems,” said Jodi Daugherty, Nintendo of America’s senior director of anti-piracy.

The Redmond, California-based game maker said internet piracy in Korea continues to increase as the availability of devices that allow for the play of illegal Nintendo software, adding that a massive customs raid is a positive sign the government is serious about enforcement.

The worldwide pioneer in the creation of interactive entertainment highlighted more active role of American government in cracking down the illegal violation of the property rights, mentioning that Korea-U.S. free trade agreement is important to all intellectual property right holders.

The filing also stated that China is the hub of production for counterfeit Nintendo video game products. The number of online shopping sites in China selling infringing Nintendo products is increasing, and help is needed by the government to curtail the growth of these illegal marketplaces, according to the report. Nintendo commented the local enforcement efforts in Brazil and Mexico are weak.

Nintendo's study, coupled with the recent research published by the Entertainment Software Association, showed a pretty grim future for game developers and publishers if more and bigger anti-piracy measures won't be taken soon.

By Kirim Shin
신기림 기자 kirimi99@ajnews.co.kr
< '아주경제' (ajnews.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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