140,000 Calorie Burger on YouTube

By Park Sae-jin Posted : February 9, 2011, 14:59 Updated : February 9, 2011, 14:59
Epic Meal Time is a YouTube channel and the show is about creating the most epic meals and then eat them. This time, Epic Meal Time shows off 140,000 calorie burger.

The three-minute video sees the construction of a 50 lb (20 kg), super-calorific burger, just in time for the Superbowl, on Sunday February 6.

This gigantic burger contains 20 lb of bacon, 13 lb of ground beef and 11 lb of sausage, which is all mixed together and wedged between a 10 lb bun.

The Epic Meal Time crew found infamy last year when their fatty food videos went viral, and their videos racked up millions of hits.
The latest video already has nearly 1million YouTube hits at the time of writing, just two days after being posted.

(아주경제 이수지 기자)

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