Korean Container Ship Escapes Hijacking

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 22, 2011, 11:46 Updated : April 22, 2011, 11:46
A Korean container ship escaped hijacking by Somalia pirates in ocean 740 km off Somalia on Thursday.

The pirate actually attacked the 75,000-ton Hanjin Tianjin in the morning but all 20 crew locked themselves in a special room known as a citadel that had been newly built to protect them in such a situation, Chosun Ilbo reported.

A Foreign ministry official said about 14 hours after the pirates attacked the ship which was heading for Singapore from Spain, commandoes of a destroyer Choi Young boarded the container ship and found all crew safe in the citadel. Commandoes found three AK 47 rifle bullets and pirates’ footprints on the bridge of the ship.

The attempted hijacked comes three months after the Korean freighter Samho Jewelry was hijacked by a group of Somali pirates in January, the news reported.

(아주경제 송지영 기자)

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