BBC reporter killed by U.S. force

By Park Sae-jin Posted : September 14, 2011, 12:52 Updated : September 14, 2011, 12:52
Ahmad Omid Khpalwak (25), a freelancing reporter of BBC, was killed last July in Afghaistan by a mistake.

After an investigation by NATO’s ISAF (International Security Assistance Force), it was found that the reporter was killed by a member of U.S. force.

There was a rebel rising in Afghanistan back in July. ISAF were trying to control the situation. The rebel open fired at the Afghan and U.S. forces. Then the Afghanistan army informed the ISAF members that there were 2 suicide bombers in the RTA building.

In the midst of evacuating the building, U.S. soldier found a young male who couldn’t immediately be identified. A soldier spotted that the young man had something clinched in one of his hand and mistook him as a suicide bomber. Unfortunately the BBC reporter was shot and killed at the scene.

On their defense, ISAF noted that the U.S. force member “acted reasonably under the circumstances.”

(아주경제 권지혜 기자)

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