​Adulterated milk deadly for patients of diabetes, hypertension

By Park Sae-jin Posted : October 30, 2013, 08:58 Updated : October 30, 2013, 08:58
Lakhs of diabetes and hypertension patients in the city may be taking a deadly risk every time they take a glass of milk. Every sip has loads of sugar or salt that you don't even know about. Also, adulterated milk may be the reason behind many mysterious gastroenteritis attacks.

Doctors and dieticians were shocked when TOI told them of the Besu lab test results of milk adulteration and asked them about the health repercussions.

Diptendro Sarkar, professor-in-charge of SSKM Hospital and a strong advocate for mother's milk for infants, said, "These adulterants can lead to diabetes and uncontrolled blood pressure. But if such milk is consumed by someone who is already hypertensive, diabetic and has a cardiac problem, it can be extremely hazardous. It can even be fatal for those who have kidney trouble.”

Amitabha Saha, medicine specialist at Ruby General Hospital, said that cane sugar can be fatal for diabetic patients, depending on the concentration.

Deboti Chakraborty, a dietician with Westbank Hospital, was taken aback by the lab findings. "Milk is the most common food we recommend to all categories of patients for its nutritive value. Naturally, we don't take factor in the presence of these adulterants," she said.

Cane sugar, for instance, automatically increases the calorie count or the sugar content in milk, Chakraborty pointed out.

"For the obese or diabetic, who come to us for a balanced diet, every calorie counts. Can you imagine the harm that such unaccounted for calories can do?" the dietician asked, adding that milk companies declare the lactose content but not the sucrose.

She was alarmed by the presence of sodium chloride (salt) in milk. "Think of patients with chronic kidney or liver ailments or those hypertensive. They live under strict salt rationing, and if they unknowingly consume salt through milk, it will do them great harm," Chakraborty said.

But are there any preventive measures you can take? "It is very difficult to remove adulterants after they are mixed with milk. Some amount of bacterial infection can be prevented by boiling milk. But not much can be done to remove these adulterants," said RS Sodhi, managing director of Amul.

Milk suppliers add salt to slow down the decomposition process of milk, say experts. "If the supplier adds salt, it means the milk has already started decomposing. Consuming such milk will lead to multiple health hazards. Dairies are equipped to detect the freshness of the milk, but if it skips their radar then there is a no way a consumer can detect that," said Sodhi.
By Ruchi Singh

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