Amanda Bynes DUI charges dismissed and got 3 years of probation

By Park Sae-jin Posted : February 25, 2014, 17:45 Updated : February 25, 2014, 17:45

Before the rehab (photo: Amanda Bynes Twitter)

Actress Amanda Bynes (27) managed to get away with DUI charges on Monday.

She pleaded no contest to the case of scraping a police car while driving 2 years ago in April. The arresting officer had suspicion that she was under the influences of substances. She was released on the same day on bail. The court appearance has been delayed due to Bynes’ unstable mental state to stand in court.

Bynes has been exhibiting unruly behaviors for some time. She started huge Twitter wars with many different celebrities including Rihanna and posted promiscuous photos of herself. Bynes also had cases of hit-and-run that caused her get her driver’s license suspended, which were all dismissed by the court later. She then got criminal charges in New York for throwing a bong outside her window but that case also was dropped.

After the series of crazy incidents, she finally got checked into a hospital and had been treated in the facility. She is all done with in-house treatment but she is continuing with her treatment outside of the center. According to her rep and family, she is definitely better after rehab and is readying herself for her future.

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