[Courtesy of FC Seoul]
Former Bundesliga footballer Cha Du-ri lost his divorce suit Thursday to the daughter of South Korea's affluent family after judges rejected his claim that he was treated unfairly by his wife.
Cha, 35, filed for divorce in November 2013 to end his marital life with his wife identified only by her surname Shin whose father owns a luxury hotel in Seoul.
A family court in Seoul rejected Cha's claim, saying he did not receive any unfair treatment from his wife. Cha also lost his claim to parental rights and custody of hid two children. It's not clear whether Cha will appeal.
Cha, known as "Chaminator (Cha terminator)" among domestic fans, is the eldest son of South Korean football legend and former Bundesliga star player Cha Bum-kun.
Cha Du-ri was born in Germany, married Shin in 2008, and flew abruptly into Seoul in 2012, sparking rumors about his wife. Last year he wrapped a 14-year career that included appearances at two FIFA World Cups and spells with seven German clubs and a Scottish team.
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