Uber to tackle congested traffic in India with bike taxis

By Park Sae-jin Posted : March 4, 2016, 10:28 Updated : March 4, 2016, 10:28

[Courtesy of Uber India]

Uber, one of the most popular ride-sharing companies in the world, launched motorcycle taxis in India this week to provide faster, cheaper short distance transportation.

India’s cities are infamous for traffic congestions. The absence of integrated public transport is an obstacle when you wish to get to places. In commuting hours, it’s near impossible to get to places in time. Uber’s UberMOTO service is aimed at customers looking for short distance trips for affordable prices.

However, UberMOTO is not fully serviced yet. Uber is testing servicing its motorcycle ride-sharing service in southern Indian city of Bangalore. The city of Bangalore is also known as India’s IT capital. Many IT service startups and companies consider the city ideal for testing our new IT based services.

Also, the city has the largest density of vehicles in the country, motorcycles constituting nearly 69 percent of the vehicles, making the city very ideal for testing out UberMOTO service.

"We are very excited to pilot UberMOTO in Bangalore. Pairing our on-demand technology platform with motorbikes, the predominant mode of transport in India," Said Amit Jain, President of Uber India. "Enabling transportation at the push of a button, UberMOTO will offer another affordable mobility option that will help people save time and money while helping cut congestion in our cities over time.”

UberMOTO provides commuters rides with motorcycles and scooters. Priced at a base fare of INR 15 (US$ 0.22), followed by the rate of INR 3 ($0.04) per kilometer and an INR ($0.01) per minute. Uber is also giving free rides up to INR 100 for the first time users.

아주경제 박세진 기자 = swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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