Over-enthusiastic fan shaves head for Lee Min-ho

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 18, 2016, 09:23 Updated : April 18, 2016, 09:23

An over-enthusiastic Chinese fan shaved her head for to show her devotion to Lee Min-ho [Courtesy of Weibo]

A Lee Min-ho fan showed her loyalty towards Korean actor Lee Min-ho by shaving her head. The over-enthusiastic Chinese fan uploaded a set of photographs onto Weibo, the Chinese counterpart of Facebook during the weekend.

Multiple local media outlets reported that the fan was heartbroken by the fact that Lee will soon start serving his country by taking mandatory military service and the fan wanted to show her devotion to the actor by shaving her head. She also vowed to wait for Lee until he finishes his military service.

[Photo by Yoo Dae-gil = dbeorlf123@]

Lee Min-ho is a 29-year-old South Korean actor who gained fame by playing the main role in a Korean version of a hit drama "Flowers over Boys" in 2009. Since then, the actor became one of the most famous actors leading the Korean wave, especially popular in China.

But like most Korean males, Lee would take his mandatory military service. Although when the actor will serve his country is not yet known, considering that the most of Korean males go to the army before the age of 30, Lee is expected to start his service this year.

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