Fake campaign trolls gamers to get free copies of 'Overwatch'

By Park Sae-jin Posted : June 8, 2016, 11:13 Updated : June 8, 2016, 11:13

A fake campaign advertisement made by a prankster is being shared online in gaming communities [Online gaming community]

Many South Korean gamers were trolled by a well-made fake 'Overwatch' campaign advertisement. The advertisement said, "If you play 50 matches of 'Heroes of Storm', you will get a free digital copy of 'Overwatch'!"

The fake campaign advertisement was shared around online communities since the weekend and since the quality of the advertisement was unbelievably superb, many fell for it. Gaming communities online were soon filled with users' questions on why are they not getting the digital copy of Overwatch even after they played 50 match games of Heroes of Storm. Some users mocked the gamers who got caught in the prank.

Overwatch is the latest first person shooter (FPS) multiplayer game released by Blizzard Entertainment, and Heroes of Storm is also a real-time strategy game by the same company. But while Overwatch is a pay-to-play game priced at 40 US dollars for PC and 60 dollars for Xbox One and PS4, Heroes of Storm is a free-to-play game. Also, Heroes of Storm is constantly mocked by its players for being a slow-paced, dull, boring game.

Now, many users of the online communities are sharing information that the advertisement is a fake, and there is no such campaign, still there are many users playing the Heroes of Storm asking other users how to play the matched games quickly to meet the requirements stated in the advertisement. Sadly, some trolled gamers refuse to listen to the voice of truth and are reportedly playing the Heroes of Storm.

Blizzard Entertainment is yet to make an official comment about this situation, it is very likely to pass as a gaming fans' joke.

Aju News Park Sae-jin = swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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