[Aju News DB]
South Korean beauty brand TonyMoly said Monday it signed a licensing deal with the Pokémon Company to create collaborated beauty products. Pokémon, which has its own set of games and animations, has received global attention with the release of Pokémon-themed mobile game "Pokémon Go".
The two brands have agreed to jointly produce "TonyMoly X Pokémon" products that will be on sale from September. They will gradually expand their production later.
A TonyMoly official said: "The unique design of TonyMoly's cosmetics container and the brand's well-known cost-efficiency will mix very well with Pokémon characters. Already the customers are showing high expectations on the upcoming products."
Characterized cosmetic products are hot items in South Korea. Major beauty brands have collaborated with famous characters from popular sources such as Kakao Friends, Doraemon, Minions and Winnie the Pooh to attract beauty product fans.
Aju News Park Sae-jin = swatchsjp@ajunews.com
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