Diplomat's defection feared to cause tightened crackdown: US think-tank

By Park Sae-jin Posted : August 19, 2016, 09:56 Updated : August 19, 2016, 09:56

[Yohap News Photo]

The high-profile escape of a senior North Korean diplomat in Britain may lead to a tightened crackdown on defections as it represents the flight of some of the country's privileged elites, according to a US think-tank report.

The flight of Thae Yong-ho, 55, is notable as it marked the highest ever defection for a North Korean diplomatic official, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said on its website, adding the North Korean embassy in London has been reserved only for some top foreign ministry officials.

"In this regard, the defection represents the flight of some of the North's best and brightest – their diplomatic cream of the crop," said CSIS senior adviser Victor Cha.

The defection may cause leader Kim Jong-un to crack down even further on defections, probably leading to increased surveillance and security measures in North Koran embassies and the compounds for overseas workers, CSIS said.

"Without a change in conditions, pressure applied by the regime could turn into a vicious cycle causing even greater numbers of people to defect," it said.

Thae's escape followed a spate of other notable defections from the ruling class that may indicate "greater amounts of dissatisfaction" with Kim and the regime, it said.

"This is significant because Kim Jong-un relies on the elite class to maintain power and control in North Korea," CSIS said. "If increasing numbers of elites make a rational choice to abandon North Korea because of fears of punishment and an uncertain future, the Kim Jong-un regime will be in significant trouble."

Thae may also provide South Korea and its allies with critical intelligence information about the regime, CSIS said, given that he was reportedly in charge of tracking North Korean defectors in Britain.

Thae's position, according to the August edition of the London Diplomatic List, was listed as a minister and ranked just below Ambassador Hak Bong Hyon.

Aju News Lim Chang-won = cwlim34@ajunews.com

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