The story of college guy smuggling his dog to school goes viral

By Park Sae-jin Posted : January 12, 2017, 18:01 Updated : January 13, 2017, 08:06

@5eean his name is William Wallace III, but he goes by Willy. [Courtesy of Sean Fenton/ @5eean Twitter]

Many of us who owned dogs and went off to colleges without their beloved can totally relate to this story and understand why this went viral online.

A brave soul named Sean Fenton, a sophomore at Oregon State, tried to smuggle his Shetland Sheepdog, Willy, with him back to school last Thursday after spending holidays at home. Fenton was planning for a fun week with Willy and his friends. However, this valiant try was short-lived.

His parents found out Willy was gone and they frantically searched for him. Fenton posted a photo of messages exchanged between his mom and him on Twitter. After his mom found out Fenton smuggled Willy to school, the angry mom said, "You're done."

[Courtesy of Sean Fenton/ @5eean Twitter]

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Fenton said his parents were worried that he "wouldn't be able to take care of" Willy but he actually took "a tub of his food and his favorite toys" with him.

So after just one wild night at Oregon State, Fenton drove Willy back home the next day. He tweeted a Vine video of Willy looking out the window and captioned, "Turns out, Willy's a dog. So I drove him back."

[Courtesy of Sean Fenton/ @5eean Twitter]

His original tweet of smuggling was liked over 271,000 times and shared over 99,000 times.

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