Bacteria from mustard leave kimchi found to suppress atopic dermatitis

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 12, 2017, 18:17 Updated : April 12, 2017, 18:17

[Aju News DB]

Lactic acid bacteria isolated from mustard leave kimchi, a traditional Korean fermented vegetable dish, was found to be effective in treating atopic dermatitis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, according to an academic study.

The bacteria dubbed "Weissella cibaria WIKIM28" showed their ability to suppress the development of atopic dermatitis (AD) in an experiment with a mouse, a research team led by Choi Hak-jong, a senior researcher at the World Institute of Kimchi, said in the study published in the online edition of Scientific Reports.

Choi's team isolated the bacteria from gatkimchi made from mustard leaves cultivated in South Korea's southern port of Yeosu. "These results suggest that W. cibaria WIKIM28 may be applicable as a probiotic for the prevention and amelioration of AD."

The intake of W. cibaria WIKIM28 reduced symptoms of skin inflammation by about 40 percent, the researchers said, adding their finding could be applied to snack foods and ice cream as well as medicines containing lactic acid bacteria.

Lim Chang-won =


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