Driver put to summary trial for scaring other drivers with scary ghost sticker

By Park Sae-jin Posted : August 25, 2017, 13:35 Updated : August 25, 2017, 13:35

Various stickers showing ghosts faces when a strong light is shone upon it is being sold at South Korean online stores. [Online shopping mall]

A 31-year-old compact car driver was sent to a summary court for attaching a horrific ghost sticker to the rear windshield of his car to scare off other cars which are in hot pursuit or shoot high beams, police said.

The man, identified by his surname Kim, was caught Wednesday in a police investigation in the southern port city of Busan following reports from a local daily newspaper.

"With a photograph of Kim's car, there was a contribution from a reader who complained that a sticker showing ghosts scared the heck out of him," Lee Sang-geun, a Busan police lieutenant, told Aju News Friday, adding the scary sticker became visible only when a strong light was shone upon it.

Kim told investigators that the sticker was to ward off drivers who drove right behind him with high beams on. "Kim felt disregarded by others, especially truck drivers because he drove a compact vehicle," the officer said.

The man argued he was threatened by trucks shooting high beams right behind his car, temporarily blinding him to drive into a gutter, but he admitted his sticker could be regarded as another form of a threat to other drivers and removed it immediately, police said.

The police said Kim could be fined up to 200,000 won (176 US dollars) in a summary court trial.


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