Pregnant Chinese woman commit suicide after family denies C-section

By KwakMin-jung Posted : September 8, 2017, 16:30 Updated : September 8, 2017, 16:30

A 26-year-old woman jumped out of the hospital window when her husband and his family refused to let her have a C-section even after she begged them while in extreme pain. [Courtesy of Luciana Ferraz / Pixabay]

The desperate pregnant Chinese woman who was in severe pain from contraction jumped off the hospital window when her family refused to let her have a cesarean section.

The 26-year-old woman from Yulin, Shaanxi Province was later identified only as her last name Ma. She was 41 weeks pregnant when the contraction began. The doctors at her hospital told her baby's head circumference is too large to go through the natural birth. They suggested her to go through the C-section, however, her family did not want her to go through the surgery and wanted to monitor her situation further. 

Ma was in so much pain that she walked out of the delivery room twice and begged her family to allow her to have the operation. The doctors tried to persuade the family and told them she would have dystocia and a cesarean section was necessary. However, the family including her husband did not change their minds. The doctors told them the ultimatum if they do not act fast both Ma and her baby may not make it. 

On the very same day around 8 p.m., Ma who couldn't bear the extreme pain any longer jumped out of the fifth-floor window of the hospital. The medical team tried to save the mother and her baby in vain. Both succumbed to their injuries. 

After the incident was published by Shanghaist and other major Chinese publications, people expressed their outrage to Ma's husband and his family for denying Ma the C-section.

The hospital said in a statement that the doctors recommended a cesarean section and told the family that if she received the operation, both Ma and her baby may be alive.

Ma's husband Yan denied the allegation and claimed that he asked the doctor to find an experienced C-section surgeon. While he was away to make a phone call, his wife was gone. He did not explain why his family refused to let Ma have the operation.

People expressed their shock, anger, and sadness all over the Chinese social media, asking why Chinese law did not allow the pregnant woman to make a decision for herself. 

Kwak, Min Jung =

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