Girl band EXID to return this month as full group

By Park Sae-jin Posted : November 5, 2018, 16:12 Updated : November 5, 2018, 16:12

[Courtesy of Banana Culture Entertainment]

SEOUL -- Girl band EXID will return this month as a full group. The five-member group has been active as a four-member group since 2016 when Solji, the group's leader, stopped all activities to treat hyperthyroidism.

"EXID's new album will be full of EXID's colors," Banana Culture Entertainment, the girls' agency, said in a statement Monday, adding that the group will come back in November.

Solji was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after experiencing fever and bulging eyes in 2016 and promised fans that she would return soon after receiving treatment. However, her physical status was worse than doctors have estimated. She temporarily left EXID while the group continued their activities at home and in China.

EXID debuted in 2012 and received fans attention with "Up & Down", a dance-pop song with a hooking melody.

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