[Yonhap Photo]
Police did not say how many artists have shared sex video files, but five including Jung and Seungri, a disgraced BIGBANG member, have been identified, leading to a permanent halt to their career in the entertainment community. Three other artists are Lee Jong-hyun, a CNBLUE member, Yong Jun-Hyung of Highlight and FT ISLAND's Choi Jong-hoon.
"I sincerely and honestly testified during the investigation and handed over my smartphone," Jung, 30, told reporters Friday after he completed a 21-hour interrogation at the headquarters of police in Seoul.
Jung allegedly had talked about how he filmed the scenes of having sex with girls apparently without their consent. Illegal distribution and filming of unauthorized sex videos provide for a maximum jail term of five years or a fine of 30 million won ($26,438).
Yong quit his group Thursday and Choi was expelled from FT ISLAND and his agency. Lee Jong-hyun, who is currently in the army, deleted all posts from his Instagram account.
Seungri returned home Friday after being grilled for 16 hours for his role in arranging sexual services for Taiwanese investors in 2015. The 28-year-old told reporters that he would postpone his enlistment date pending a police investigation.
Seungri's business partner, Yoo In-seok, was also quizzed. Yoo and Seungri founded Yuri Holdings for investment in restaurant and entertainment businesses. They are suspected of using music and dance clubs to arrange sex services for business favors. If convicted, they could receive a jail term of up to three years or a fine of up to 30 million won.
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