Defense research agency develops real-time biochemical contamination monitoring technology

By Park Sae-jin Posted : October 26, 2021, 15:04 Updated : October 26, 2021, 15:04

[Gettyimages Bank]

SEOUL -- South Korea's state-run defense technology research body has developed a high-resolution image-based real-time monitoring technology that will help soldiers and emergency personnel to analyze areas contaminated by biochemical substances, predict the level of damage, and come up with a counterplan for evacuation and cleansing.

The detection and monitoring of biochemical and radioactive substances during a war or disastrous situations are vital processes that could affect the time taken to evacuate people and cleanse the contaminated area. Such processes are crucial in minimizing damages during disastrous events taking place in urban environments as pollutants can quickly travel through wind tunnels created by high-rise buildings and spread to a wider area.

The Agency for Defense Development (ADD) controlled by the Defense Ministry has developed the biochemical substance monitoring technology through a three-year project. Using high-resolution images, the technology can highlight contaminated areas on a real-time map of contaminated areas so that soldiers and civil forces can accurately plan evacuation routes and cleansing operations.

"This technology was developed to obtain an effective countermeasure for disastrous situations and minimize damages to civil, administrative, and military bodies," the agency said, adding that it would upgrade its technology for use in counterterrorism operations.

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