Woori Bank provides optimized information through upgraded AI-based chatbot

By Kim Joo-heon Posted : March 10, 2022, 16:07 Updated : January 6, 2023, 01:15

[Courtesy of Woori Bank]

SEOUL -- Woori Bank, a subsidiary of South Korea's Woori Financial Group, has upgraded its artificial intelligence-based chatbot service to provide customized answers based on customer information. The upgraded service can find information in various documents when an inquiry is received.
AI-based customer services are used in various sectors due to their efficiency. Chatbots communicate with customers through text conversations and voicebots specialize in verbal conversations. Customers can choose to speak directly with human assistants if robots cannot provide a solution. Woori Bank has demonstrated chatbot and voicebot services since December 2021.
The function of Woori Bank's chatbot has been upgraded, the bank said in a statement on March 10. The chatbot which was in charge of simple inquiries can now guide customers based on information in various documents.
Woori Bank's voicebot is now able to directly communicate with customers in case of simple inquiries. When dealing with complex tasks, it identifies customer inquiries over the phone so their human assistants can guide customers more efficiently.
Kakao Bank, the online banking service of South Korea's web service giant Kakao, has also adopted an AI-based automatic route selection (ARS) service to deal with frequently asked questions. About 50 percent of Kakao Bank customers used chatbot services in 2021. SK Telecom (SKT), a mobile carrier in South Korea, has adopted AI-based chatbot and voicebot services that were used by almost 40 percent of customers. 

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