Convenience store chain GS25 rolls out metaverse-based convenience store decorating game

By Kim Joo-heon Posted : October 24, 2022, 13:31 Updated : October 24, 2022, 19:10

[Courtesy of GS Retail]

SEOUL -- The operator of South Korea's convenience store franchise GS25 has rolled out a simulation game where users can decorate their stores by carrying out missions of convenience store workers on Roblox, a metaverse platform mainly used by young people. The virtual platform was created to secure more young customers who consume various information through digital devices.  

Roblox is an online game platform where anyone can create games and enable other users to enjoy their content. The platform has more than 50 million daily users and 12 million creators. Currently, some 30 million platforms are available. 

GS Retail, the operator of GS25, rolled out "Let's Gather at GS25" on Roblox. Users will carry out different missions depending on their roles -- manager, display employee, delivery worker, cashier and cleaner. "In line with the digital natives, the main consumer of the future, we showcased Let's Gather at GS25 to communicate with consumers in a fun way and build brand intimacy with the game content GS25," GS Retail's metaverse task force team manager Choi Song-hwa said in a statement on October 24. 

Metaverse was adopted by many South Korean companies as many different activities can take place in the virtual world using avatars. The operator of South Korea's top convenience store chain CU is currently operating an online convenience store on ZEPETO, a popular smartphone metaverse app, to invite customers to a virtual clone of a CU store located in one of Seoul's riverside parks. Visitors to the metaverse store can shop and rest on benches to enjoy the famous night scenery of the Han River that flows through South Korea's capital city.

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