S. Korea develops blueprint for space weather prediction system

By Park Sae-jin Posted : December 9, 2022, 10:24 Updated : December 9, 2022, 10:24

[Courtesy of DAPA]

SEOUL -- South Korea had finished the development of the blueprint of a space weather forecast system project that would create a safe and stable operating environment for military recon satellites, communication satellites, and guided weaponry. The space weather forecast system will go online in 2024.
While many regard space as an endless empty area except for places where planets are located, the vast zero-gravity area also has its weather conditions affected by situations like solar flares, waves of space debris including rocks with sizes ranging from the size of a child's fist to the size of a small city. Such space weather conditions could bring catastrophic damage to space equipment like satellites, communication arrays, and weapon systems.
In late November, South Korea revealed that a two trillion won ($1.5 billion) development project for a two-stage projectile codenamed "KSLV-III" passed a preliminary feasibility study. The rocket development project will be finished by 2032. The science ministry said the next-generation projectile will be used three times to verify the performance of a moon orbit test satellite in 2030 and launch the lunar lander's preliminary model in 2031 and the final model in 2032.
The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said that the space weather forecast system will be developed through a project involving state research institutes and private space technology companies. The system will be operational by 2024 after a series of tests and demonstrations.
"We expect the space weather forecast system to increase the operational capability of our military forces and minimize damage by accurately predicting space weather conditions," DAPA's space command communications division head Chung Kyu-heon said in a statement on December 9.

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