[Aju News DB]
According to data cited by LG Chem, most wraps used for packaging in South Korea are used to fasten loads at logistics centers and other industrial sites. Most wraps are made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate). Although the annual amount of collected waste PET including plastic bottles is about 800,000 tons, only 40 percent is recycled, the chemical company said.
LG Chem said in a statement that the company signed an agreement with CJ Logistics to reuse plastic waste. After distributing 1,000 recycled wraps to the logistics firm, LG Chem will increase the amount of distribution. The chemical group would use the post-consumer recycling (PCR) technique to sort, clean, and break down wastes.
"We will establish a circular economy for plastic and contribute to carbon reduction for a sustainable future by recycling packaging wraps that can be collected at distribution centers across the country," LG Chem's polyolefin sales director Han Seok-hee said in a statement on April 6. As of June 2020, CJ Logistics operated about 140 distribution centers nationwide.
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