Hyundai Mobis and US partner to create virtual world for car parts tests

By Kim Joo-heon Posted : December 26, 2023, 14:38 Updated : December 28, 2023, 00:28
[Courtesy of Hyundai Motor]
SEOUL -- Hyundai Mobis, the parts-making wing of South Korea's Hyundai auto group, has partnered with United States-based software company Wind River to create a digital twin-based system where carmakers can develop and verify various vehicle parts and technologies. The virtual testing environment can also be used to demonstrate the functions of autonomous driving solutions through various scenarios.

A digital twin is a virtual clone of an object or an infrastructure. Digital twins are frequently used as testing grounds for new technologies or other elements to figure out the results of real-life situations. Business operators can test their products under many different conditions without causing an irreversible effect in real life.

Hyundai Mobis said the company will build the digital twin-based system in 2024. At the virtual studio called "M.Dev Studio," carmakers can design, test, and evaluate different products and technologies, and carry out joint projects with other developers. "We will stably establish the system and provide essential solutions for the SDV development of global automakers," Hyundai Mobis' executive vice president Jung Soo-kyung said in a statement on December 25.  

A software-defined vehicle (SDV) is a future-generation car that constantly evolves to remain up to date. New vehicle functions can be added or existing features can be modified through software upgrades that are carried out using physical wires or over-the-air (OTA) wireless software update features. By 2025, Hyundai Motor aims to transform all vehicles into SDVs so they can be continuously upgraded and incorporate new features.

Wind River is a California-based company that provides software solutions to more than 1,700 clients all over the world. In May 2022, the American firm agreed to work with Hyundai Mobis and Hyundai Autoever, the IT wing of Hyundai Motor, to create an automotive software framework and systems for continuous testing and test automation.

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