The Korean telecom operator announced the launch of the metaverse fan community titled "K-pop Hotel." This virtual fan community incorporates the unique features of K-pop artists using three-dimensional (3D) and extended reality (XR) technologies.
The hotel spans 99 floors, with each floor occupied by a different K-pop artist. The introductory screen will display comprehensive details about which artists have chosen and checked in on each floor. The artist lounge on every floor will provide a unique area for fans to watch music videos and other content.
The platform also includes member rooms, each dedicated to a specific member of a K-pop group, showcasing their distinct characteristics and styles.
Along with the virtual girl band ifLANDIES, aespa became the first K-pop girl group to check in at the K-pop Hotel. Aespa members are currently on the 99th floor. Boy band Riize and singer Sandara Park are set to check in at the end of June and September, respectively.
In the artist lounge, fans can receive various benefits depending on the achievement of missions such as delivering supportive messages for artists or collecting artist images.
"We anticipate more extensive communication between fans and artists, as well as among fans, through Ifland's 3D immersive artist content and participatory fan missions," said Yang Maeng-seok, head of SKT's metaverse business division.
As of July 2023, Ifland's monthly active users reached 4.37 million, with 34 percent being non-Koreans. Indian users accounted for the largest portion, followed by Indonesians.