Chinese military conducts joint exercise near Myanmar border

By AJU PRESS Posted : August 28, 2024, 09:32 Updated : August 28, 2024, 09:32
The China-Myanmar border region in Yunnan Province, China. AP-Yonhap
SEOUL, August 28 (AJP) - The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) initiated a joint live-fire exercise on Tuesday, involving both Army and Air Force units along the China-Myanmar border. This exercise followed an armed patrol in the region and is believed to be aimed at deterring potential spillover from the ongoing conflict in northern Myanmar.

Senior Colonel Tian Junli, spokesperson for the PLA Southern Theater Command, stated that the exercise is designed to evaluate troops' capabilities in areas such as reconnaissance, early warning, multidimensional blockade and control, and fire strikes. Tian emphasized that the theater command's forces are prepared to handle any emergencies and are committed to protecting national sovereignty and maintaining border stability.

The exercise, scheduled to run until Thursday, covers areas near Ruili city, Zhenkang township, and Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County in Yunnan Province, according to a notice from the provincial government.

This joint operation expands upon Monday's armed border patrol, which involved only army troops. The inclusion of air force units signifies an increase in scale and complexity, as noted by an anonymous Chinese military expert.

The expert, who recently visited the China-Myanmar border, highlighted the proximity of Chinese and Myanmar settlements along the border. Given the complicated situation in northern Myanmar, there are concerns about potential conflict spillover into Chinese territory.

The exercise serves a dual purpose: enhancing and assessing PLA capabilities while also deterring potential border incidents, such as artillery shells landing on the Chinese side. Another military expert, Zhang Junshe, commented that this exercise further demonstrates the PLA's resolve and ability to maintain peace and stability along the border.

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