Top Chinese lawmaker advocates for stronger ties with Kyrgyzstan's parliament

By AJP Posted : September 19, 2024, 09:50 Updated : September 19, 2024, 09:50
Zhao Leji, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (right), shakes hands with Kyrgyz parliament speaker Nurlanbek Shakiev in Beijing, China on Sept. 13, 2024. Xinhua-Yonhap

SEOUL, September 19 (AJP) - Zhao Leji, who heads China's National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, met with Nurlanbek Shakiev, the Speaker of Kyrgyzstan's Parliament last week.

Their discussions last Friday centered on enhancing legislative cooperation to support practical collaboration between the two nations.

Zhao highlighted the significant progress in China-Kyrgyzstan relations, which have evolved into a comprehensive strategic partnership. He expressed China's commitment to working alongside Kyrgyzstan to implement agreements made by their leaders, aiming to build a shared future characterized by neighborly relations and mutual prosperity.

Given the complex international landscape, Zhao emphasized the importance of increased cooperation to protect both countries' security and development interests. He reiterated China's unwavering support for Kyrgyzstan's sovereignty and national development.

The Chinese legislator proposed expanding cooperation in traditional sectors, boosting economic ties, promoting scientific innovation exchanges, and improving connectivity. He specifically mentioned accelerating the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project.

Zhao outlined plans for the NPC to strengthen ties with Kyrgyzstan's parliament through various means, including exchanges between high-level members, specialized committees, and friendly groups. He also proposed sharing experiences in areas such as foreign-related legal frameworks and enhancing coordination in multilateral forums like the China-Central Asia mechanism and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

After briefing Shakiev on China's legislative system, Zhao expressed interest in exchanging insights on democracy and legal development, emphasizing mutual respect for each country's chosen path and political structure.

Shakiev, acknowledging the long-standing friendship between Kyrgyzstan and China, affirmed the Kyrgyz Parliament's readiness to foster closer ties with the NPC to contribute positively to bilateral cooperation.

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