World's first AI-based laundry folding robot to go on sale in 2017

By Park Sae-jin Posted : October 6, 2016, 13:46 Updated : October 6, 2016, 13:46

[Courtesy of Digital Life Innovator YouTube Channel]

Japanese robot company Seven Dreamers has set a release date for the world's first laundry folding robot called "Laundroid", a refrigerator-sized robot. It will go on sale in 2017.

Users can throw in unsorted clothes into Laundroid's drawer . Using artificial intelligence, the robot will identify, sort and fold clothes accordingly to their types and styles. Folded clothes will be stored in shelves located inside its body.

Pre-orders will start in March next year. Unfortunate for the world's lazy population, who desperately need an extra hand in sorting laundry, the robot will only be available in Japan.

Aju News Park Sae-jin =

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