Dara, a former member of South Korea's iconic girl group 2NE1, has been selected to act in the film version of a webtoon-based hit drama "Cheese in the Trap" starring actor Park Hae-jin, producers said.
The movie directed by Kim Je-Young also stars actress Oh Yeon-Seo. Park, who gained great fame across Asia through the drama, will take the main role in the movie. Original webtoon creator Soon Kki also participates in filming that begins in April.
Dara, 32, made her debut as a movie star in a low-cost film "One Step" to be screened in April. One Step is about an amnesiac genius composer who suffers from colored hearing, trying to find her lost memories. It was produced just for 25 days. It marks her first official activity after 2NE1 disbanded in November last year.
Lim Chang-won = cwlim34@ajunews.com
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