Solji to be left out of EXID's album promotion due to bad health

By Park Sae-jin Posted : November 1, 2017, 13:46 Updated : November 1, 2017, 13:46

[EXID YouTube channel]


Solji, a member of a popular girl group EXID, won't be attending promotions for the group's upcoming album "Full Moon", scheduled to be released on November 7, due to her health conditions.

The five-member group's agency Banana Culture Entertainment said in a statement released Wednesday that Solji took part in the production of the new album and filmed for album jackets but won't be able to take part in TV promotions due to thyroid disorders she has been suffering since last year.

The singer was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after experiencing fever and bulging eyes in December 2016. The disease was caused by excessive production of thyroid hormone that shows symptoms of weight loss, fatigue, irregular heartbeat and insomnia.


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